
Kenyan Mango, Avocado & Fruit Exporters

Top-Link Exporters Kenyan Ltd is a dynamic and progressive fruits exporting company that’s gained a reputation for quality, innovation and customer gratification.

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Our Top Products

Hass Avocados
Apple Mangoes
Jumbo Avocados
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Hass Avocados

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Top-Link Exporters Kenyan Ltd is a dynamic and progressive fruits exporting company that’s gained a reputation for quality, innovation and customer gratification.

Apple Mangoes

Apple Mangoes are a variety that grow along the Eastern parts of Kenya as well as the coastline..

With an average weight of 400g and measurement of 9.7cm(l) by 11 cm(w), Apple Mangoes have a smooth, thin skin and rich yellow/orange/red colouring when ripe.

online store fruits and vegetables
supermarket formats

Jumbo Avocados

Jumbo is a type of Avocado that is native to Kenya as well and East African Region as a whole.

This variety is usually heavier than both the Hass & Fuerte.

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Our Past Client Stories '

And we agree!

"Top-Link is my new digital partner for exporting of my fruits selection".

Jonathan Gakuo
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"Top-Link is my new digital partner for exporting of my fruits selection!"

Grace Chege
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"Top-Link has allowed us to create our very own online fruit & vegetable shop with over 90 product references to help facilitate our orders".

Annita Sophie
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"Top-Link is my new digital partner for exporting of my fruits selection!"

John Doe
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“Top-Link is my new digital partner for exporting of my fruits selection!”

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"Top-Link is my new digital partner for exporting of my fruits selection!"

John Kang'uru
Lorem, ipsum dolor.

Here for you

The Top-Link team shares the vision and values of the fresh produce industry. Once in a while we get reminded of the impact (both social and economical) we have had on the communities we work with in rural Kenya. Overtime we have been able to reduce food loss, build reliable and sustainable supply chains.

Meet the team

"Hass avocados are the most recognised & demanded variety in the world since the 1900, due to its vast health benefits. In appearance, they have a thick, bumpy skin,turn green to purplish-black when they ripen and are spherical in shape. Thanks to our motherland & country, Kenya, Top-Link Exporters (K) Ltd has stood out as a mojor player in the export of Hass. "

"pple Mangoes are a variety that grow along the Eastern parts of Kenya as well as the coastline. With an average weight of 400g and measurement of 9.7cm(l) by 11 cm(w), Apple Mangoes have a smooth, thin skin and rich yellow/orange/red colouring when ripe. & "

"Jumbo is a type of Avocado that is native to Kenya as well and East African Region as a whole. This variety is usually heavier than both the Hass & Fuerte."

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